More than 10 million kitchens are remodeled each year, and for some of these, it is truly a home makeover. When it comes to remodeling your kitchen, there can be a lot of stress and anxiety involved. Should you replace your appliances first, and then work on the structure of the kitchen? Do you need to knock everything down and start from scratch to make things easier? How much pizza will you truly be able to eat when you're without a functioning kitchen? You know, the important questions.

If you like the structure of your kitchen, but simply want to upgrade lots of things, then we'd suggest starting with installing new countertops. Quartz countertops are an excellent choice for a whole host of reasons that we're going to list below. Some you might be aware of, while others might surprise you. Nevertheless, it's good to be aware of all of them!

Quartz Countertops are Eco Friendly

Unless you've specifically requested solid quartz countertops, what is actually marketed as "quartz countertops" in the USA are a composite of quartz, recycled granite, marble, glass, and mixed stone. This may come as a pleasant or negative shock to many people, depending on their perspective. On one hand, this means that regular quartz countertops are some of the most environmentally friendly countertops you can buy, because they make good use of recycled waste materials to form engineered stone. On the other hand, this means you need to be highly specific when requesting quartz countertops so that your contractor knows exactly what you want. Either way, quartz countertops are a win for your kitchen and the environment.

It's More Affordable Than Ever

At one point in history, you had to be a wealthy individual to afford quartz countertops or other natural stone to put in your home. But now thanks to composites, recycled quartz, and more producers than ever before, you can afford quartz countertops on seemingly any budget. If you're really cost conscious, you can buy slabs of quartz or other natural stone from suppliers at discounted rates and get them cut by your contractor at another time. If you don't mind mixing and matching different shades of quartz, you can often find "mixed bag" stone slabs for cheaper than buying them outright. Instead of being put off by the high price of stone, know that even on the conventional market it's more affordable than ever before.

Quartz is Non-Porous

Quartz countertops have the unique attribute of being non-porous, meaning that it resists staining from pretty much all comers. No matter whether you throw tomatoes, olive oil, or coffee at it, the surface will resist staining and not harbor bacteria or viruses for later. One simply cannot get more clean than this, and you can be confident that your family and kitchen guests will remain safe once you've done your due diligence in cleaning your kitchen. Instead of having to look at a wayward tomato sauce stain on laminate kitchen countertops that were once cream-colored, you can gaze upon your wonderful stain-free quartz countertops for the rest of time.

Never Goes Out of Style

One of the biggest positives when it comes to quartz countertops is how classic and timeless they are in terms of style. Unlike other fashion trends that seem to change year after year, quartz countertops and natural stone have those "timeless" and "classic" looks that are always featured in architecture and design magazines. People just love the way stone looks no matter where it's featured in a home, but quartz countertops have a special place in their hearts. When something is this classic and never goes out of style, that's what we call a sound investment!

Go With Quartz, Never Go Wrong

When you decide to opt for quartz countertops in your kitchen, you'll be confident that you're making a great choice for yourself and your family. Not only does quartz never go out of style, but it's a wonderful green choice for your home that is affordable. When you're ready to have a stain-resistant countertop that looks amazing, why don't you call Supreme Stone Inc. to find out which quartz countertops perfectly suit you?

Countertops are one of the most important parts of a kitchen. They not only serve as counter space for food preparation and cooking but also play an integral role in style and design. It is no wonder that countertops have become more popular over the years, with new designs and styles popping up all the time. In this article, we will explore surprising ways to use countertops.

As a Food Prep Surface

Countertops provide a large workspace for food preparation and cooking while being easy to clean. There is usually a prep counter that has been strategically placed to make it convenient and easy to use the countertop as a work surface when cooking. Many countertop materials such as quartz, marble, and granite are designed specifically to withstand high heat, allowing for hot objects to be placed on them.

To Display Decor Items

Many people overlook countertops that happen to have backsplashes because they think these surfaces cannot serve any purpose other than decoration, but this couldn't be further from the truth! Countertops with backspaces often offer plenty of room for displaying personal artwork or family photos without compromising counter utility.

As a Decorative Element

Countertops can be styled with an array of colors, textures, materials, and patterns that will add personality and flair to your kitchen decorating schemes in addition to serving their practical purpose well. With different color options available, such as black or white counters, you have many choices on how you want your kitchen design style statement to come across.

Increase the Value of Your Home Before Selling

Countertops can be made of many different materials and textures, and countertop style is a major factor in both design and functionality. Natural stone countertops are the most popular choice for people who want their kitchen to look more polished and sleek. However, for those looking for something less traditional or with more character, Bellingham countertops may fit the bill just right! All this can increase the value of your home. Remember, a minor kitchen remodel has an ROI of 81%.

As a Buffet Table

Countertops make an excellent counter for food that's set-out buffet style. They also provide a great surface to hold serving items and tableware like glasses, silverware, and napkins.

For the Kids

Countertops offer an area large enough for children to sit at while they do their homework or use it as a laptop workspace when needed. It also allows them more space than most desks would allow!

They are also perfect surfaces on which to place crayons, coloring books, and lots of paper! Plus, they're close enough so that little hands don't have to reach too far while creating their masterpieces.

As A Small Dining Space

Countertops can be used as a temporary eating area when extra seating is not available or desired. This works best in kitchens with rectangular or circular-shaped countertops that allow people sitting on either side of the countertop to easily see each other across it.

As a Bar

They are also a great place to set up your home bar and store all of your liquor. They are also an excellent surface for making cocktails, crafting drinks, or serving appetizers while entertaining.

As a Storage Area

Countertops are an ideal, unobtrusive place to stack appliances like blenders and coffee machines. You can also store spices, condiments, canned goods, and daily items like scissors, glue sticks, and paper clips.

By using counter space as a storage area, you're not taking up valuable kitchen cabinets or pantry space.

Use Them for Drying

Countertops work well for items that need a quick dry-off. They also make great areas to quickly wipe down your cutting board after chopping onions or garlic.

Countertops are a versatile surface for your kitchen. They can be used as an additional workspace or turned into the room's focal point with vibrant colors and textures that make them stand out from other surfaces in your kitchen. No matter how you decide to use them, countertops add something special to any space they're located within.

After spending over a year getting to know the insides of our homes better, are you asking if it’s time to do a kitchen remodel? Maybe you’ve been thinking about getting started but are unsure of where to begin or you’re worried about the cost. On average, a homeowner budgets around $10,000.00 on home remodels and renovations. If you want to make a change in your kitchen but don’t have the funds just yet, here are 7 easy ways you can scratch your kitchen remodeling itch without breaking the bank.

Give Your Backsplash a Makeover

Many homeowners might think that adding a new backsplash is a painful and time-intensive project, but updating your kitchen backsplash can be as easy as opening a can of paint! You may find the perfect tile that matches the marble countertop of your dreams down the road, or you might consider painting on a design that you will love for years to come.

New Countertops

Speaking of the marble countertop of your dreams - why not make your kitchen remodeling priority a new countertop for your space? Granite countertops, quartz countertops, and marble countertops are all beautiful options that make wonderful investments for any home. Boston marble and granite countertop fabricators are ready to help you find the best countertop for your personality.

Updated Floors

Is the old linoleum peeling in your kitchen? How long have you been walking over that old spot on the floor without knowing what to do about it? Updating your kitchen floors like the one big-ticket remodeling item for your kitchen might not seem like an obvious design choice, but swapping out your old floor for a new wood or tile can breathe life into any kitchen.

A Fresh Coat of Paint

Sometimes, all a kitchen needs is a fresh coat of paint. Whether your tastes trend more towards classic styles or a retro feel, painting the walls, cabinets, or even the floor, can give your house a brand new look and feel with a weekend’s worth of work. Doing the painting yourself will also save you money so that you can splurge a little on a new marble countertop or a top-of-the-line fridge.

New Appliances

You don’t have to replace every appliance in your kitchen when working on a remodel but if there are one or two appliances that are on their last legs, a remodel is the perfect time to put the old on the curb and install the new! Finding a new appliance that you really like could even inspire a cohesive look and feel down the road.

Enhanced Lighting

A dimly lit kitchen doesn’t exactly spark warm feelings of family togetherness and good meals shared. If you notice that your kitchen is severely lacking in light, consider installing some track lighting or a few LED lights under your cabinets to keep those shiny appliances and countertops looking fabulous.

Add Some Color

If you’re scraping the absolute bottom of the kitchen remodeling budget and you don’t know where else to turn, think about adding pops of color throughout your kitchen to give it new life. Look carefully at the colors on your marble countertop or quartz work surface. Accent colors are a great way to bring out the personality of your kitchen without going broke.

Ready to start your kitchen remodeling project? Let our countertop experts help you get started. Request a free quote today! Whether you’re ready for a marble countertop or are leaning more towards quartz countertops, our team is ready to help.

According to the National Kitchen and Bath Association, kitchen and bathroom renovations are the most popular home upgrades for American households. One in every 10 households performs a kitchen remodel each year -- roughly 10.2 million kitchens -- and approximately 14.2-million-bathroom remodels. The total kitchen and bath remodel and replacement market is currently valued at approximately $85 billion.

Countertops are arguably the most important work surface, with most homeowners looking forward to replacing them. Quartz countertops have cut out a niche for themselves, making them a popular option for homeowners and kitchen designers alike.

But what do you know about this man-made, engineered slab? Here are seven interesting facts to note about a quartz countertop.

1. Quartz Countertop Is an Engineered Stone

Most people get shocked when they realize that quartz countertops are not solid quartz. Unlike their natural stone counterparts, it is an engineered stone made from ground particles and resins. Approximately 7% of the total material volume in your countertop isn’t stone at all, but rather polyester resins and color pigments. The rest of the 93% comes from crushed natural quartz, granite, marble, and recycled industrial wastes such as glass, silica, ceramic, or mirrors.

2. Quartz Countertops Are Eco-Friendly

Over 90% of the stone-like materials that make up this countertop for kitchen remodeling are made from recycled material. The base material for these countertops is all by-products of other quarrying or manufacturing processes. As such, manufacturers do not have to quarry any natural stone for the sole use of the countertops. However, it is interesting to note that natural quartz is the second-most abundant mineral in the Earth’s crust after feldspar. It occurs in nearly all rocks.

3. Quartz and Quartzite Are Quite Different

Judging by the names, most homeowners often think that quartz and quartzite countertops are one and the same. However, a quartzite countertop is carved from natural stone. Quartzite begins as sandstone, which under natural heat and pressure fuses with sparkly quartz crystals to form quartzite. As a natural stone, it is porous and may require frequent sealing. On the contrary, quartz countertops are extremely durable slabs that require little to no maintenance.

4. Quartz and Granite Have Their Markets

In the early days, countertop manufacturers would often market their products as excellent imitations to natural stone. Quartz sought a reputation as a durable, less porous, and easily fabricated alternative to granite and marble slabs. As the popularity of the countertops continues to increase, manufacturers are slowly dropping the ‘imitation’ tag for a more one-of-a-kind appeal. There are virtually endless design options when it comes to the colors and venation of quartz countertops.

5. Quartz Is Also a Popular Flooring Option

While it remains one of the most coveted countertop materials in kitchen design stores, it’s also a popular option in tiles and flooring. The durability and easy-to-clean properties of the engineered stone make it a popular option for areas that experience high foot traffic such as airports and shopping malls. It lays testament to its impermeability and longevity properties that you can enjoy as a kitchen countertop.

Time to Consider Getting a New Countertop

Quartz is an interesting, engineered slab that is carving out a niche for itself in the remodeling space. For more information on any countertops, feel free to contact Supreme Stone Inc.

Owning a home is part of the process of becoming more independent and autonomous in one's life. With the freedom to do as one wishes in a private space comes the beautiful blossoming of a unique place in which to raise a family, become a master chef, host gatherings, or simply relax. Yet, with the many upsides of having a space of one's own come the inevitable responsibilities of maintenance and upkeep that are the source of many private grumblings.

Instead of looking at maintenance and upkeep as things to hate, one can look at these through the lens of "renovation" and imagine a whole new look for their home while updating it in the process. In this article, we're going to touch on kitchen renovations and how they can not only improve the value of your home/kitchen but your life as well. From installing a granite countertop to finally adding a deep freezer, we think you'll find much about these kitchen renovations to be excited about.

A Quality Renovation Updates Your Home

When it comes to home renovations, there is no "right" way to do things. It is, of course, your private home to do what you wish and if you want to paint the kitchen psychedelic colors and only have toasters then that is up to you. However, most real estate agents, contractors, and home appraisers will tell you that a quality renovation updates your home in some way. From keeping all of your appliances intact (but upgrading them) to doing a 100% gutted remodel, a renovation that truly updates your home will not only preserve its value on the open market but usually increase it as well. Since many homeowners view their home as their most valuable investment, this may be something to think about.

The Classics Are "Classic" for a Reason

Granite countertops, glossy white paint, and stainless steel sinks are featured in magazines and model homes galore. But why? It's not only because they're wonderful to look at and give off interesting aesthetics, but because they usually last a long time and contribute to the value of a kitchen's use. With more than 10 million kitchens being remodeled each year, it's no surprise that so many people keep choosing the "classics" over and over again. When something serves the purpose of function and style, you know that you have a winner on your hands. Don't hesitate to try and create your own "classics" that serve the same purpose, but just know that it may be harder to find contractors or suppliers to make your dream a reality.

Even Little Changes Can Add Up to Big Upgrades

Even if you don't functionally upgrade your kitchen, leaving all of your outdated appliances intact, you might still be amazed that little changes can add up to big upgrades. For example, simply replacing laminate countertops with a granite countertop is a big difference in many people's eyes, and makes a kitchen look fancier and more elegant. Not to mention that professional chefs and culinary enthusiasts alike agree that chopping vegetables or arranging meals on a granite countertop simply looks much nicer than anything else. In a similar vein, replacing your kitchen cabinet doors can overhaul the look of your kitchen without breaking your budget. Find your own style to bring!

Give Your Kitchen a Boost

By choosing to install granite countertops, install a deep freezer, or even just giving your kitchen a paint job, you'll be taking steps to make sure that your kitchen is upgraded to your aesthetic standards while being super functional. You don't need to completely gut or remodel your kitchen from the inside out if you don't want to, but know that it will probably increase your home's value in the long run if you choose to do so. There are many classics in kitchen renovation history to take inspiration from, and you shouldn't be afraid to put your own unique twist on your space. After all, you'll be the one cooking, cleaning, and gathering in it. Make your kitchen space great by looking into some low-cost upgrades or by springing for quality. You won't regret it, especially when you get together with family and friends!

The kitchen is the most popular room in the house to renovate, and countertops have a huge impact on any kitchen renovation. Choosing the right countertops for your lifestyle starts with choosing a company specializing in fabrication countertops out of a range of stones.

Fabrication countertops is a specialty field requiring a unique skill set that takes years to perfect. Working with the right fabrication company is critical to getting the high-quality fabrication countertops that your home deserves. Choosing the right provider and the right stone will give you results you will love.

You Have Some Great Options

There are great options for fabrication countertops. Granite countertops are always an extremely popular choice, as are quartz countertops and elegant marble countertops. Which is the right choice for your home?

Fabrication countertops come in a wide range of prices. The type of stone will play a big role in how much the countertop will cost. For example, a marble countertop will likely be more expensive than a quartz countertop simply because the raw materials can be more pricey.

Making the Right Choice for Your Home

Budget is always a consideration when it comes to choosing countertops and other fixtures for your kitchen renovation. You do not have to forgo stone to keep your budget in line. You can find affordable stone options.

Quartz countertops are an excellent option for the budget conscience. They are usually less expensive than granite countertops and typically a lot less costly than marble countertops. Quartz has some clear advantages for the busy kitchen. They require less care and maintenance than other stone countertops, and they are extremely durable. Of course, the price tag is also a nice benefit.

Granite countertops are hands down the most requested fabrication countertops. Granite countertops are a favorite because each slab is unique. They are easy to care for, but they do require periodic professional sealing. They are exceptionally durable and an overall great option.

Marble countertops continue to be a timeless favorite. They add a touch of luxury and elegance. However, they are not recommended for a busy kitchen. Marble is porous and can absorb stains from spills. Marble is also not quite as durable as granite or quartz.

Connect with the fabrication countertops experts to learn more about stone options for your kitchen countertops. The perfect countertop for your lifestyle is waiting for you.

Choosing the best countertops for your home can be a challenge. Understanding the pros and cons of marble countertops can help you make an informed decision. Marble countertops can be a great option for your home.

The first step in any kitchen remodeling project should be to gather all the information you need to make the right choices for your lifestyle, budget, and kitchen. A kitchen design store can be an asset in your kitchen remodeling. Learning more about the pros and cons of marble countertops is a great place to start gathering information.

Here Are the Pros of Marble Countertops

Marble countertops deliver a touch of luxury. A marble countertop offers a beauty that is simply stunning. Each slab of marble is unique. You can choose from a range of colors to best match your personal style.

Marble is easier to fabricate than other stone countertops which means that you can get more of a designer look with these types of countertops. These types of countertops can include fancy details that other countertops cannot be fashioned into.

Marble is heat resistant. It can stand up to hot pots and heat-generating equipment. It is a durable service. Marble countertops can be a great option for your home.

There are Cons

Marble is a great surface but there are some cons that give some homeowners pause. Marble can be an expensive material. Other counter types like quartz countertops and granite countertops can be less expensive.

One of the drawbacks of marble countertops is that it does need a bit more maintenance than other stone countertops. This natural stone is highly porous. Users must be careful about staining from spills. Different types of marble come in different types of hardness.

A Trusted Source Is Your Best Bet

Starting with a trusted kitchen design store is a great way to decide if marble is right for your home and your lifestyle. You can consult with an expert that can provide you with the information that you need to make an informed decision about your kitchen renovation.

The right source is available to teach you all the ins and outs of marble countertops, granite countertops, quartz countertops, and more. Take advantage of the wealth of knowledge that is available at the company that provides the best marble countertops Boston has to offer.

It is no secret that granite countertops are some of the most popular countertops on the market. Whether you have granite countertops in Bellingham or granite countertops in Boston, those countertops really upgrade your kitchen and your lifestyle.

What is so beloved about granite? Why are granite countertops a must-have for kitchen remodeling? Learn more about the many benefits that these types of countertops have to offer and you will understand what the big draw to granite countertops is.

The Look

Granite countertops look “rich.” They add a touch of luxury to any home, and yet they are affordable. They come in a wide range of colors and patterns that add a personalized touch to space. No two slabs are the same which means your kitchen countertops will be unique from everyone’s kitchen.

Granite is a natural material that has its own natural beauty. Each slab is different. You can choose from a variety of colors, specks, and swirls that suit your personal design taste to a tee.

It is Really Tough

These stone countertops can really stand up to wear and tear and continue to look great. They have a high heat point, are scratch-resistant, chip-resistant, and exceptionally durable. They are meant to last a lifetime with minimal maintenance, and never lose their great aesthetic.

Granite countertops are a one-and-done deal. You have them installed one time and your kitchen is upgraded forever.

Money Talks

There is a reason that about one out of ten kitchens in the US is remodeled every year including adding new countertops. According to the experts, you can add 20% resale value to your home by improving your kitchen.

You get a nice ROI when you invest in granite countertops. Of course, you cannot really put a number to how much new countertops can improve your lifestyle. Over 73% of people that have remodeled their kitchen report that they eat healthier since the remodel.

Easy to Maintain

Homeowners love granite countertops because they are so easy to keep clean and maintain. A soft rag and some warm sudsy water do the trick. There are a lot of reasons why homeowners flock to the kitchen design store that offers granite countertop options. Connect with the kitchen design stores that specialize in great granite options to learn more.

Kitchen remodeling is an extremely popular activity. About 10 million kitchens are remodeled every year. Countertops and cabinetry are the top two features in a kitchen that are included in a kitchen remodel. Choosing the right countertops is vital to the success of your remodel.

There is a wide range of materials to choose from when it comes to countertops. All of them are equally aesthetically appealing and highly functional. How do you know if granite countertops or quartz or marble or another material are right for your project? First, you start with the kitchen design store that offers a large variety of options. Next, you consider the following to make your decision.

Know the Difference

To ensure that you choose the right countertop material for your lifestyle, you need to do a little research. Some materials are higher maintenance than others. For example, granite needs to be resealed occasionally while quartz does not. Marble is lovely but not as durable as quartz.

Choosing the right countertops is a personal choice that really depends on what you want to get out of your countertops. Other key differences include:

  • Color variations. Finding the perfect color match for your vision can limit which countertops materials you can choose from.
  • Durability. Some stone is more durable than others. Some materials are more heat resistant less porous and less inclined to staining. If you plan on putting your countertops to the test, durability may be important.
  • Budget is also a consideration. Some materials are more expensive than others. Staying within your budget may mean opting for one material over another.

The right kitchen design stores can help you to choose the right countertops for your project that check off your list nicely.

Getting the ROI You Expect

Most people go with their gut when they are choosing kitchen countertops. They choose the countertops that appeal to their aesthetic needs, which is fine, but you should consider the countertops that are going to add resale value to your home as well.

The right countertops will tick all the boxes on your wants list and give you the ROI that you need. Work with the kitchen design store that provides the best Bellingham countertops for all lifestyles and you will get results that you simply love, and a nice ROI while you are at it.

Those in the know report a tremendous uptick in quartz being used in homes. While both granite and quartz are favorites for countertops, quartz is finding new popularity in other applications.

Granite countertops are beautiful and durable, but they are not quite as maintenance-free as quartz countertops are. This is a non-porous stone which means, quartz, unlike granite, never has to be sealed. It also means that you do not have to stop with a quartz countertop, you can use it in the bathroom, and more.

What is Quartz?

Granite is 100% natural stone, is quarried from around the globe, and sold in slabs after being processed. Quartz is part natural and part synthetic. It is used for countertops, shower surrounds, backsplashes, and more.

It is a more versatile material than granite because it is engineered. That means that you do not have to search high and low to find the perfect slab. It can be designed specifically for your color choices and other styling elements.

Affordable Luxury

Homeowners are drawn not only to the beauty, durability, and low maintenance that quartz delivers, but they also love the price tag. It can be about 1/3rd less expensive than other types of stone. It is hard to beat the value that you find with this option.

Because this stone is engineered and not quarried it can also be more environmentally friendly. It can be a win-win choice for many reasons.

Where Are People Using Quartz?

Because of its durability and the fact that it is non-porous quartz is becoming a favorite for shower and tub surrounds. It adds that touch of luxury that really ramps up the style in any bathroom. It can also be used for walls, and of course, countertops in the bathroom.

This stone delivers a beautiful finish in the bathroom, kitchen, and other rooms in the house where you want to add a durable surface that is aesthetically pleasing. Many homeowners are choosing quartz backsplashes in the kitchen to match their quartz countertops to deliver a beautiful symmetry.

The best Bellingham quartz will give you the power to add a luxurious look at an affordable price in any room of your home. Learn more about your quartz options from the stone dealer that offers a wide range of options.

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