Your outdoor space is probably an important place to you if you enjoy hanging out outside and you’re in the middle of planning for it. Patios were made for enjoying dinner, enjoying yourself sitting by a fire, and sipping on your favorite drink. Patios could be for hosting loved ones for a dinner and cooking a delicious meal.
There are numerous options for picking the right countertops for your outdoor space such as natural stones like granite, tile, and concrete. Which one you choose may depend on the climate in your area, your budget, and the layout of your particular backyard. What countertops should you choose? It is a big question to look at. You are going to be cooking and serving food on that surface. Your outdoor space should be a special and safe space for you. There are many great selections for outdoor countertops on the market, but some are better than others for outdoor use. That being said, here are some things to consider.
Durable Countertops
When searching for outdoor kitchen countertops your first priority should be the durability of them. It is different than an indoor countertop as there will be much more wear and tear from being outside. Durability is going to come before looks in terms of being outside. Otherwise, that huge investment you made is going to go right out the door. There are a few things to think about how you are going to use your countertops.
Ask yourself questions such as what is going to be the main use for your countertops? Is it going to be to cook or to eat or just to hang out? Depending on what you are thinking may change the need for your countertops. If budget is in question, there may be some options that are cheaper than others. Do you intend for the space to be a huge food prep area? If so, you may be thinking of large outdoor countertops to have basically a second kitchen. Perhaps a space that is easy to clean is the most important to you. All of these are important questions to think about when considering which option may be best for you.
Granite is among one of the best materials for homeowners to choose to be used as an outdoor countertop. This selection can stand up against harsh conditions with ease. The harsh heat of a summer day? That is no problem for granite! When picking countertops for outside, concerns about the tops fading in the sun are prominent for many people. Granite is able to withstand the heat from the sun and even hot pans on them without any problems. With an effective coat of sealant, granite is also good at resisting stains, mildew, and mold so even the filthiest of gatherings and gloomy days won’t pose a threat to your countertops. Granite as a natural stone is already very simple to maintain in good condition but will be even easier with a proper sealant.
According to Caesar Stone, granite countertops should be resealed every 12 to 18 months to help keep them resistant to stains. The sealant creates a barrier to prevent liquids and different foods from absorbing into the countertops. Before the sealant, granite is very porous and absorbed things very easily. If the granite is sealed properly, there is no need to worry about stains from red wine, cooking sprays, heat from hot pots, or more. Consider purchasing a darker color granite as opposed to lighter, as it may need to be sealed less often. Another thing to consider when it comes to granite countertops is to be cautious of how much acidity is in cleaners. You want to lean towards a low-acidity cleaner to have to seal them less. Overall, granite is a very strong choice to go with for your outdoor countertops.
Concrete is another great outdoor kitchen countertop option. It has high durability which is critical in an outdoor space. There are a few advantages to choosing concrete. It can be poured into many shapes to fit the exact dimensions needed for your space and can come in a variety of different custom finishes. Concrete can have stones and tiles submerged into it for a different and unique look you may not be able to find elsewhere. Concrete is able to be stained in any color, but for the outside consider sticking with earthy tones. The sunlight can cause many colors to fade out and become a more yellow tone, but this will not be an issue if you choose to go with earthy tones such as dark greens or browns. If you are a fan of rustic styles, concrete countertops may be the perfect choice for your outdoor space.
Similar to granite, concrete also needs to be sealed as it is porous. Outdoor use countertops need to be protected a bit more than an indoor kitchen since it is outside. Concrete is a very sturdy, tough, and durable material making it perfect for your outdoor space, but having it sealed properly is just as important to help prevent any cracking, stains, and wear and tear. Concrete offers a homeowner easy maintenance, and simple clean up, and will withstand any climate you are located in.
Tile is known to be very durable and lasts a long time. Most people are familiar with tile whether is in your bathroom, kitchen, or elsewhere, and most know what to expect. Ceramic tile is accessible and pretty straightforward to work with. A huge advantage to considering tile is that it is relatively inexpensive and may be budget-friendly for your outdoor space. An important note is that tile must also be sealed similar to the other types. If not, the grout lines will attract a ton of dirt and build up.
A huge advantage to choosing tile is that tile is cheaper than purchasing a full slab. You can choose from a great selection of different stone tiles like granite, slate, porcelain, marble, and more. It is just important to remember to take into consideration the region and climate you are in and how well the counter will hold up. That is no need to worry though, the workers at Supreme Stone will assist you in making the most effective decision for your outdoor counters.
Countertops Not To Use For the Outdoors
There is a few materials you will want to avoid when it comes to picking for your outdoor space. While these are all beautiful options, they are not meant to withstand the outdoors. You’ll want to stay away from marble, laminate, and quartz. They are much more delicate than granite and other options and will not be able to withstand stains or stand up to extreme temperatures. Laminate countertops may sound appealing for their low price, but they will quickly warp or rot in the weather outdoors.
Homeowners want to work with someone who will tell them what the best option may be for them and have trust things are going to be installed correctly. Take the time to discuss what you are looking for with a design expert today. Supreme Stone offers a free quote. Request it today!