Facts About Granite Countertops

Granite countertops are one of the top choices for countertop remodels. Between the beauty, durability, and multitude of other positive qualities granite has, it is not hard to see why so many homeowners choose the material to complete their remodeling projects. Here are some more uncommon facts about granite countertops.

Benefits of Granite Countertops

There is a reason many people decide on granite for their countertops. Granite is simply stunning, and because of the nature of this natural stone, no two slabs are exactly alike. This means your countertop will look truly unique, no matter your budget. Additionally, granite is durable because it is heat and scratch-resistant. This makes it so granite countertops take little maintenance as well.

Facts About Granite

One common characteristic that is found in granite is fissures. A granite fissure is visible and is separated in the granite. They look like they are cracks, but in reality, they are not, and do not weaken the granite. In fact, these fissures are one of the reasons why so many people love granite countertops in their homes.

Granite also needs to be sealed because it is a natural product and has pours. This prevents the chemicals and materials from getting into the granite. Granite can also handle excessive heat. You can set down hot pots and pans on your granite kitchen countertops without having to fear damage.

Granite ranks at an 8 on the Mohs scale, which is used to measure hardness. The scale ranks minerals from 1 to 10, 1 being the softest and 10 being the hardest. This makes it one of the hardest materials in the world. Granite can be used in many locations in the home. From kitchen countertops to bathroom vanity tops, backsplashes, fireplace surrounds, and even outdoor surfaces in some cases.

Granite is a beautiful and strong option for your kitchen countertops, but it is also unique and historically significant material. Contact us to help you with your next kitchen remodel.

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